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Ask Aunty

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Have some questions you're too shame to ask?

Ask Aunty:

Introducing Ask Aunty, your go-to Q&A platform where you can ask all those financial questions you might be too shy to ask elsewhere. Whether it’s budgeting, saving, investing, or anything in between, Aunty’s here to guide you. Our mission is to provide a safe and supportive space where you can explore your financial questions and gain the education, resources, and tools you need to address them with confidence. So go ahead, ask away—Aunty’s here to support you on your financial journey!

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First Nations Foundations Ltd is an independent company that provides an information service. The content on the website is not advice. There is no explicit or implied endorsement of any particular companies, products or strategies. The information on this site is educational and is intended as a general overview and no responsibility can be taken for any change in your personal circumstances of any persona acting on this information. You are advised to discuss your personal situation with your financial planner, accountant or other industry professional.

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