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Three ways to practise financial self-care


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For First Nations Women, financial self-care is an act of generational healing.

Too often, women are taught to associate the term ‘self-care’ with skin-deep solutions, face masks, herbal tea, or a yoga class. However, we are now seeing more young women are wanting to make financial wholeness a form of their own self-care. Women are wanting to invest in their own financial education, to achieve financial stability, as a form of deep-rooted and persevering self-care.

Things you can do to practise financial self-care:

  • Self-development and self help: Educate yourself—knowledge is power! There are resources out there that can help you gain job skills and plan your finances, such as Tomorrow Money.
  • Financial literacy education: You can also participate in programs like My Money Dream that are dedicated to boosting financial literacy for First Nations women.
  • Community empowerment: Support networks allow us to empower one another and share advice about gaining financial independence and prosperity. For instance, the First Nations Foundation’s private FB Group is a space where you can share your experiences and connect with other sisters, so you can take accountability and grow your financial capability.

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